Clinical profile:
History of shoulder joint dislocation
Patient Details : 53 YEARS MALE with history of recurrent right shoulder joint dislocation.
A wedge shaped defect is seen on posterolateral aspect of humeral head – suggest Hill -Sachs defect.
A chipped fracture is also noted at the anteroinferior aspect of the glenoid process- suggestive of bony Bankart lesion.
Bone density appears normal.
Clavicle is normal in attenuation. No focal lesion or fracture is seen.
The visualized ribs and vertebral bodies are unremarkable.
The glenohumeral and acromioclavicular joints are normal in alignment and joint space.
The muscles, intermuscular fascial planes and subcutaneous fat planes around the shoulder joint appear unremarkable.
CT findings are suggestive of-
A wedge shaped defect on the posterolateral aspect of humeral head – Hill-Sachs defect
Chip fracture at the anteroinferior aspect of the glenoid process – bony Bankart lesion.
Visualised lungs show mild bilateral pleural effusion with underlying lung atelectasis.
ADVISE – MRI right shoulder joint for further evaluation.